
Are you currently an Amateur or looking to become one, then BRARC welcomes you to become a member of the club.

Membership 2024
Membership is currently $20 (initial join fee) + $30 (yearly fee).

If you join during the year, the subscription is pro-rata the number of full months to the end of the next February.

We welcome you to contact and chat with one of the committee members on how to become a member of BRARC. Use the CONTACT BRARC page.

Members benefits include:

    • Maintain the costs of the Clubs Amateur Radio Repeater systems
    • Exams and study options
    • Monthly Meeting Notes.
    • Special discounts on the new HOT club shirts, hats and other items

Membership Application for 2024


Constitution – continued for 2024

With an improved constitution with input from members and other clubs, BRARC was incorporated in March 2009.

DOWNLOAD – BRARC-Constitution-2009.pdf

Schedule of Fees for 2024


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